Definition of Point out

1. Verb. Make or write a comment on. "He commented the paper of his colleague"

Exact synonyms: Comment, Notice, Remark
Specialized synonyms: Criticise, Criticize, Knock, Pick Apart, Wisecrack, Kibbitz, Kibitz
Generic synonyms: Mention, Note, Observe, Remark
Derivative terms: Comment, Commentary, Notice, Remark

2. Verb. Point out carefully and clearly.
Exact synonyms: Call Attention, Signalise, Signalize
Generic synonyms: Designate, Indicate, Point, Show
Derivative terms: Signal

3. Verb. Present and urge reasons in opposition.
Exact synonyms: Remonstrate
Specialized synonyms: Represent
Generic synonyms: Inform

Definition of Point out

1. Verb. (transitive idiomatic) To identify among a group of similar subjects, or in a scene where the subject might not be readily seen or noticed, with a gesture of the body. ¹

2. Verb. (figuratively idiomatic) To tell, remind, indicate. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Point Out

point of interest
point of intersection
point of maximal impulse
point of no return
point of order
point of ossification
point of periapsis
point of pride
point of proximal contact
point of purchase
point of reference
point of regard
point of sail
point of sale
point of view
point out
point projection
point release
point releases
point source
point sources
point system
point system test types
point taken
point tenderness
point the bone
point the finger
point the finger at
point the way
point up

Literary usage of Point out

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors by Charles Wells Moulton (1904)
"It is easy to point out faults in his writings. ... Finlay was almost the first to point out the permanence of the Greek local institutions, and his legal ..."

2. Commentaries on American Law by James Kent, Charles M. Barnes (1884)
"... and mode of operation, and the specification must point out the new improvement of the patentee, so as to show in what the improvement consista. ..."

3. Philosophical Magazine (1805)
"... in the Rajahmundry District; interspersed uith stick Remarks as tend to point out the great Benefit that might be expected from increasing this Branch ..."

4. The Library of Literary Criticism of English and American Authors by Charles Wells Moulton (1904)
"It is easy to point out faults in his writings. ... Finlay was almost the first to point out the permanence of the Greek local institutions, and his legal ..."

5. Commentaries on American Law by James Kent, Charles M. Barnes (1884)
"... and mode of operation, and the specification must point out the new improvement of the patentee, so as to show in what the improvement consista. ..."

6. Philosophical Magazine (1805)
"... in the Rajahmundry District; interspersed uith stick Remarks as tend to point out the great Benefit that might be expected from increasing this Branch ..."

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